Playcrafter Kids’
Production Page of
Imagine a Dragon!

Production Team:
Nicole Gardner, Director
Hannah Schmidt, Assistant Director
Alyssa Baechle, Musical Director
Savannah Svoboda, Choreographer
Megan Levaque, Costume Designer
Deanna Mae, Production Manager


Robin (Bard)…………………Emmy

Starling (Bard)………………Pearl

Lark (Bard)…………………..Ailish

Chef Basil…………………….Sylvie

Chef Clove…………………..Lidia

Terry (Guard)………………..Morgan

Thorn (Guard)……………….Jude

Princess Willow……………...Lily

Princess Laurel……………...Esmae

Princess Lavender………….Annabelle

Princess Juniper………….…Kavya

Princess Zinnia………………Josie

Princess Magnolia………….Rosalie

Princess Lilac………………..Istria

Princess Rose………………..(combine lines)

Rowan (Hero)………………..(combine lines)

Florian (Hero)………………..Sean

Tarragon (Hero)……………..Otto

Valerian (Hero)………………(combine lines)

Avalon (Hero) ……………….Micah

Caspian (Hero) ……………..Ambrose

Arden (Hero) ………………..Finn

Peregrin (Hero) ……………..(combine lines)

Bill Collector………………….Otto

Cast List


Rehearsals: During camp July 15-26

Off-Book Date: Monday, July 22nd

Performances: Thursday, July 25 @ 4:00PM and Friday, July 26 @ 4:00PM

All listed dates take place at Playcrafter Kids (1815 Yorktown Ave., Fort Collins 80526)

Script, pencil, labeled water bottle, lunch that is in the proper cooling/heating container, comfortable clothing to move in, jazz shoes/closed-toe shoes easy for dancing.

What to Bring Daily

Each child will receive one printed copy of their script to bring to camp each week. The script has also been emailed.


All performers will have a black clothing layer (pants and short sleeved shirt).

Black or dark close-toed shoes requested.

Costume and Shoes

Vocal Tracks

Accompaniment Tracks

Rehearsal Resources

Thank you for taking the extra time to practice your songs, dances and blocking at home.
All of your efforts are greatly appreciated!

Back When the Dragon Was There (chorus)